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Sports should be considered an integral part of people’s entertainment. It is no longer sufficient offering a match or competition. Today’s market demands additional elements such as sociability, networking, community and leisure. They are organic and temporary experiences leading to numerous monetization options by operators.


Marcos Motta

Partner of Hubstage

“Sport is Sunday’s football with friends or running in the park. Now, when someone pays for it, or if it is affected by an athlete’s sponsorship, or someone is looking for an organic experience in an event, the delivery expectation is different, it becomes entertainment. This is the origin of the Sportainment. Hubstage will operate in this intersection and this market repositioning is fundamental for it to follow the dynamism and speed of the contemporary digital world we live in. The future is now


The luxury concept, just to mention one example, has also changed over the years, being no longer related to material things only, to create experiences. The media has been rediscovering itself, treading increasingly connected paths.


Bichara Neto

Partner of Hubstage

“All those changes have transformed the industry. New players and formats emerged, as for instance the influencers and their hybrid content production. Major brands have also restructured themselves and other brands are created in this decentralized and rapidly changing environment. Said new times require qualified consultants and partners, who understand today’s specific needs”


O mundo

é o campo de jogo moderno

On the other hand, market professionalization is a reality making the “business” factor a part of the sports industry, not only professionalizing the organizational structures but allowing the innovations required for adapting them to the new demand needs and choices, and the new generations.

Moreover, sports and entertainment players need to expand their geographic footprint, strengthening their brands and reaching their fans and consumers more efficiently, wherever they are. The world is the today’s playing field. The glocalization process of thinking globally actuating locally is inherent to the improvement strengthened by the technological progress overcoming barriers. There is space in said run for major sports-related brands at global level, and also for companies of a more local and domestic character, consisting in a different universe that will bring value to consumers and society.

This new order is intrinsic to technology progress, including geolocation, augmented reality, big data, blockchain, cashless, etc., which are business tools that, where correctly applied to sports and entertainment leverage and drive innovative and irreversible processes.

Additionally, the scenario of accessing audiovisual content of different nature radically changes with the development of new access platforms (OTT, influencers, social media, smart media brands, publishers, etc.) and the relevant audiovisual right access disintermediation and creation of ownership and owned media originating more traffic for sites and applications.


The market has also gained an approach based on the strategic component of company’s corporate policy and branding. This is the verticalization process in the content creation that adds value both to the brand and the property and also for the society as a whole.

Professionalization, new investors, trademark and property expansion, monetization and use of sports venues, brand repositioning, smart media brand structure, a new paradigm for access to audiovisual content in general, application of new practices and services to the experience processes of fans and consumers and increased sophistication in the sponsorship and activation models are some of the main pillars driving Hubstage creation. 

With a novel and updated spirit, reflected on the sector it serves, Hubstage is the stage for operators in these markets to enhance their connections, activities and new businesses.






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